LEGO Animation: Pikamee spends time alone and has tea

I made this animation of Amano Pikamee spending time alone and having tea using Unreal Engine 5, Blender, and Bricklink Studio. I made instructions for Pikamee in her standard outfit, you can download it along with the parts list in my Rebrickable post here:

Fig 1. LEGO Pikamee having tea

Most of what I did for this project is similar to my workflow with my animation of Ninomae Ina'nis spending quality time with a takodachi and my previous animations. 

Read about them here:

LEGO Animation: Ninomae Ina'nis spends quality time with a takodachi

LEGO Animation: Amelia Watson relaxes on top of a mountain

LEGO Animation: LEGO Houshou Marine encounters Gura while riding a raft

LEGO Animation: Gura and Amelia Vibing by the Campfire

Fig 2. Pikamee rendered in Blender

The following are new things that I did, issues I encountered, and solutions to said issues.

I created the room by using box brushes. I created a hollow box, adjusted the size, and used another box brush to subtract a portion of the first box to create a window.

I used assets from poly haven to fill the room. The assets I used are a coffee table, a potted plant, a tea set, and throw pillows. I used two assets from quixel bridge namely a wooden floor texture and a door. I created the materials for the interior walls and glass window from scratch.

I had a problem with adding transform key frames to the cinematic camera. The problem was whenever I needed to move and rotate the camera it would rotate 360 degrees when moving from point A to point B. To solve this I right-clicked on the transform sequence for the camera, clicked on properties, and checked quaternion interpolation. 

Fig 3. Right click on the strip associated with the transform of the camera, click on properties, and click on quaternion interpolation to fix camera rotation issues.

I had an issue with the interior lighting. The room was not well lit. Initially I thought of adding point lights to the scene but then I scrapped that idea. To fix this I added a sky light and set the intensity to 0.3. Below is a comparison of the scenes with sky light intensity set to 0.0 and 0.3 respectively.

Fig 4. Sky light intensity at 0.0

Fig 5. Sky light intensity at 0.3

I removed lens flares using a post-process volume actor. I did this by checking intensity and setting it to 0.0. I then scaled up the bounding box of this actor to cover the entire scene. 

Fig 6. Set the intensity of the lens flares parameter of the post process volume to 0.0 to disable lens flares

The following are the learning resources that helped me as well as the sound effects and assets I used:

  • Green Blossom l Newage Waltz Ghibli Music l Free Music by viodio
  • Air Conditioner Turning on and Beeping by jackthemurray
  • Modern Coffee Table 01 by Amin
  • Tea Set 01 by James Ray Cock and Jurita Burger
  • Potted Plant 04 by James Ray Cock
  • Throw Pillows 01 by Serhii Khromov
  • How to Create Interior in Unreal Engine in 30 minutes | Complete tutorial interior in Unreal 2021 by architectural visualization
  • Fix Rotation Problem ue4 Sequencer by tim ash
  • How to Create a Glass Material - Unreal Engine 4 by matt aspland
  • Wooden floor textures and wooden door from Quixel bridge
  • Lighting is way too Dark Q&A -
