My Tsukumo Sana Mod for Deep Rock Galactic

I modded Tsukumo Sana into Deep Rock Galactic. She rides on top of the M.U.L.E., one of your robot followers that stores resources you collect. 

Download the mod here:

KirbyDX created the model. You can download it here:

The process for modding this character is similar to what I did for Furball Korone and Ceres Fauna. One issue I encountered was related to materials. Each of the meshes that make up Sana namely her hair, body, and face (eyes and mouth) had individual materials assigned to them even after I joined them together. The result was incorrect material assignments; Sana had a blank texture in the game while the M.U.L.E had the incorrect colors. To solve this I simply deleted the materials for each of the meshes. After I joined the meshes together, I applied the Sana texture to the model thereby reducing the material count to one.
