I modded Ceres Fauna into Deep Rock Galactic!

I modded "Smol" Hololive vtuber Ceres Fauna into Deep Rock Galactic. She replaces the glyphid swarmer. 

Download the mod here: https://mod.io/g/drg/m/ceres-fauna-swarmer-test

In general, I did the following to mod Fauna into the game:

  1. I imported the Fauna model into Blender.
  2. I created a plane, resized it, and placed it inside of the Fauna model.
  3. I created and assigned a material to the plane.
  4. I joined the plane and Fauna. The new model contains two materials. I re-ordered the material slots: the Fauna material comes before the plane material.
  5. I import the glyphid swarmer using the DRG modding community's .psk importer. 
  6. I deleted the glyphid swarmer model leaving the skeleton behind. I parented the new Fauna model with empty groups to the skeleton. I adjusted the Fauna model so that it is close to the center of the skeleton.
  7. In edit mode, I selected all vertices and assigned them to the spider chest vertex group.
  8. I used BetterFbx to export the skeletal mesh. I name it SK_Spider_Swarmer_A
  9. I imported the skeletal mesh into UE4. I unchecked "created physics asset".
  10. I created a set of folders: Enemies>Spider>Swarmer
  11. I renamed the skeleton to SK_Spider_Skeleton and moved it into the "Spider" folder.
  12. I packaged the project and exported it.
  13. In the content folder I deleted all folders except enemies. I deleted the SK_Spider_Skeleton assets.
  14. I moved the content to the input folder of DRG Packer.
  15. I dragged the input folder to repack.bat.
  16. I tested the newly create .pak file locally in-game.
  17. I uploaded the model as a zip file to mod.io.
  18. I tested the mod through mod.io in-game.
  19. I sought manual approval for the mod to be verified.
  20. I published the mod to mod.io.
