LEGO Animation: Nanashi Mumei receives a flower a from Ouro Kronii after skiing

 I finished making my animation of vtuber Nanashi Mumei skiing downhill and seeing Ouro Kronii. It took me a total of three days to finish this project. On the first day I made the models and animated them. I spent days two days just waiting for the animation to finish rendering. My computer was on throughout this time. I also left it to render overnight.

I used Bricklink Studio to create Mumei and Kronii. I imported them into Mecabricks then exported them as .obj files. My initial plan was simply to animate everything in Blender and export the whole thing as an .alembic file. I would then import the file into UE4 to simply play back the animation. The only thing I would have to do was to set up the cameras. I was silly to think that this would work. My animation consists of a total of 3500 frames. The .alembic file was 22 GB. I was able to import the .alembic file but only as a mesh. When I tried importing it as a skeleton and geometry cache, UE4 just crashed. So I decided to render the animation using the Blender Cycles engine. 

The following is how I made everything in Blender. I made two planes and sculpted them for the snowy landscape. I added a subdivision surface modifier to increase the resolution. I added a passive rigid body modifier to the first plane. I added a dynamic paint modifier to the second plane and set it to canvas. To get Mumei to wrap around the terrain, I parented a bone to her model. I added a shrinkwrap modifier to the bone. It took a bit of time to balance how deep Mumei's ski would be in the snow to have visible displacement in the snow as she moves. I did this by adjusting the position of the bone relative to Mumei's ski. To get Mumei's ski to affect the snow, I made two rectangular boxes in the shape of her ski and parented them to Mumei. I added a dynamic paint modifier and set it to brush. I also added a passive rigid body modifier and ticked the animation box. I parented Mumei, the bone, her ski, and the rectangular boxes to an empty. I dragged this empty all the way down and added keyframes to move Mumei from one end of the landscape to the other end. I baked the landscape with the dynamic paint modifier and the rectangular boxes. I imported Kronii and placed her at the other end of the landscape. Since I joined all parts of each model together, I could not animate their mouths easily. So I installed the AnimAll add-on which allowed me to animate their mouths while in edit mode and add keyframes to the timeline. To be able to select their mouths easily, I checked the materials tab and look for the color assigned to their mouth which is red. Since the models also have parts that have the same color, I used ctrl + shift to select the mouths while in wireframe mode.  

The AnimAll add-on applied to Mumei's mouth

I was able to cut down the render time per frame to around 30 seconds at the cost of quality. I set the resolution to 1024x576. I set the number of samples to 128. I used an HDRI for the lighting. I exported the animation as an image sequence just in case the render fails. To cut down on render time for the mouths I only rendered 30 frames worth of the mouth shrinking (closing). The render failed multiple times but luckily I was able to continue from where I left off. When Blender finished rendering the animation, I used the video sequencer to combine everything and add sounds. For the background I used a sky wallpaper and added a gaussian blur effect strip. I set blend to alpha over for the first image sequence. I set blend to alpha under for the second image sequence because of how I combined the mouth animations. I had separate  image sequences for Mumei and Kronii's mouth animations. To get the mouth to increase in size (open), I simply duplicated the given mouth image sequences and reversed the frames. To increase the speed, I added speed control effect strips. Lastly, scaled the animation's resolution to 1920x1080.

My final animation in the video sequencer

Although this animation was more challenging to make then my previous ones, it was without a doubt immensely satisfying. The render quality is of course much better than UE4 but it took more time to render. I also could have had a LEGO plastic shader which Mecabricks' zmbx file format provides but again my first plan was not to use Blender to render it and so I only exported the models as .obj files. 

This animation is dedicated to Nanashi Mumei and Ouro Kronii.

Support Ouro Kronii on Youtube:

Follow Ouro Kronii on Twitter:

Support Nanashi Mumei on Youtube:

Follow Nanashi Mumei on Twitter:

I made instructions for both Nanashi Mumei and Ouro Kronii. You can purchase them from the websites below.

I made two versions of instructions for Ouro Kronii. It is a 238 page PDF. The second version includes the main model and Kronii's circular headpiece. It is a 256 page PDF.  





I made a 264 page PDF of instructions for Nanashi Mumei.





If you like my creations and you would like to support me, you can donate to my Ko-Fi page here:
